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With the growing global deployment of carbon capture and sequestration technology to combat climate change, monitoring and detection of potential CO2 leakage through existing or storage induced faults are critical to the safe and long-term viability of the technology. Recent work on time-lapse seismic monitoring of CO2 storage has shown promising results in its ability to monitor the growth of the CO2 plume from surface recorded seismic data. However, due to the low sensitivity of seismic imaging to CO2 concentration, additional developments are required to efficiently interpret the seismic images for leakage. In this work, we introduce a binary classification of time-lapse seismic images to delineate CO2 plumes (leakage) using state-of-the-art deep learning models. Additionally, we localize the leakage region of CO2 plumes by leveraging Class Activation Mapping methods.
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For best performance, today's semantic segmentation methods use large and carefully labeled datasets, requiring expensive annotation budgets. In this work, we show that coarse annotation is a low-cost but highly effective alternative for training semantic segmentation models. Considering the urban scene segmentation scenario, we leverage cheap coarse annotations for real-world captured data, as well as synthetic data to train our model and show competitive performance compared with finely annotated real-world data. Specifically, we propose a coarse-to-fine self-training framework that generates pseudo labels for unlabeled regions of the coarsely annotated data, using synthetic data to improve predictions around the boundaries between semantic classes, and using cross-domain data augmentation to increase diversity. Our extensive experimental results on Cityscapes and BDD100k datasets demonstrate that our method achieves a significantly better performance vs annotation cost tradeoff, yielding a comparable performance to fully annotated data with only a small fraction of the annotation budget. Also, when used as pretraining, our framework performs better compared to the standard fully supervised setting.
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Modern robotic systems are required to operate in challenging environments, which demand reliable localization under challenging conditions. LiDAR-based localization methods, such as the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, can suffer in geometrically uninformative environments that are known to deteriorate registration performance and push optimization toward divergence along weakly constrained directions. To overcome this issue, this work proposes i) a robust multi-category (non-)localizability detection module, and ii) a localizability-aware constrained ICP optimization module and couples both in a unified manner. The proposed localizability detection is achieved by utilizing the correspondences between the scan and the map to analyze the alignment strength against the principal directions of the optimization as part of its multi-category LiDAR localizability analysis. In the second part, this localizability analysis is then tightly integrated into the scan-to-map point cloud registration to generate drift-free pose updates along well-constrained directions. The proposed method is thoroughly evaluated and compared to state-of-the-art methods in simulation and during real-world experiments, underlying the gain in performance and reliability in LiDAR-challenging scenarios. In all experiments, the proposed framework demonstrates accurate and generalizable localizability detection and robust pose estimation without environment-specific parameter tuning.
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A new development in NLP is the construction of hyperbolic word embeddings. As opposed to their Euclidean counterparts, hyperbolic embeddings are represented not by vectors, but by points in hyperbolic space. This makes the most common basic scheme for constructing document representations, namely the averaging of word vectors, meaningless in the hyperbolic setting. We reinterpret the vector mean as the centroid of the points represented by the vectors, and investigate various hyperbolic centroid schemes and their effectiveness at text classification.
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Large pre-trained, zero-shot capable models have shown considerable success both for standard transfer and adaptation tasks, with particular robustness towards distribution shifts. In addition, subsequent fine-tuning can considerably improve performance on a selected downstream task. However, through naive fine-tuning, these zero-shot models lose their generalizability and robustness towards distribution shifts. This is a particular problem for tasks such as Continual Learning (CL), where continuous adaptation has to be performed as new task distributions are introduced sequentially. In this work, we showcase that where fine-tuning falls short to adapt such zero-shot capable models, simple momentum-based weight interpolation can provide consistent improvements for CL tasks in both memory-free and memory-based settings. In particular, we find improvements of over $+4\%$ on standard CL benchmarks, while reducing the error to the upper limit of jointly training on all tasks at once in parts by more than half, allowing the continual learner to inch closer to the joint training limits.
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A grand goal in deep learning research is to learn representations capable of generalizing across distribution shifts. Disentanglement is one promising direction aimed at aligning a models representations with the underlying factors generating the data (e.g. color or background). Existing disentanglement methods, however, rely on an often unrealistic assumption: that factors are statistically independent. In reality, factors (like object color and shape) are correlated. To address this limitation, we propose a relaxed disentanglement criterion - the Hausdorff Factorized Support (HFS) criterion - that encourages a factorized support, rather than a factorial distribution, by minimizing a Hausdorff distance. This allows for arbitrary distributions of the factors over their support, including correlations between them. We show that the use of HFS consistently facilitates disentanglement and recovery of ground-truth factors across a variety of correlation settings and benchmarks, even under severe training correlations and correlation shifts, with in parts over +60% in relative improvement over existing disentanglement methods. In addition, we find that leveraging HFS for representation learning can even facilitate transfer to downstream tasks such as classification under distribution shifts. We hope our original approach and positive empirical results inspire further progress on the open problem of robust generalization.
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